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Don't miss any more current news about Coin Master, our app and many other tips and tricks for the game Coin Master in our blog.
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Monopoly Go and Coin Master Shop


Shop👉 Are you still missing Cards?

👉 Do you need help to successfully complete an Event?
⭐️ Then use our Cards & Event Service ⭐️
Processing and payment takes place after the request in our Shop.
All ordered services will only be processed with you after secure Payment via Paypal or Bank transfer.
Do you have any questions about this?
Then contact us via Facebook Messenger and we will discuss everything else with you.
Contact Person and responsible Person: Oliver Schaub

Coin Master New Era - Spin Bet


New EraCoin Master has integrated a New Era into the Game since November 2024.

We want to show you a big change here.

The Bets on how you can turn have been completely changed or some 🆕 have been added.

If you play with Tactics, please pay attention to the changed Spin Bets.

The possible Spin Bets here again depend on the CM Account and may vary with your Account.

Possible Bets without Betblast
Spin x 1 Spin x 2 Spin x 3
Spin x 15 Spin x 50 Spin x 400
Spin x 1500 Spin x 6000 Spin x 20000
Possible Bets with Betblast
Spin x 1 Spin x 2 Spin x 3
Spin x 5 Spin x 10 Spin x 15
Spin x 20 Spin x 30 Spin x 50
Spin x 100 Spin x 150 Spin x 200
Spin x 250 Spin x 300 Spin x 400
Spin x 500 Spin x 600 Spin x 800
Spin x 1000 Spin x 1500Spin x 2500
Spin x 6000Spin x 10000Spin x 20000

Coin Master Village Costs


Village Cost Each new 🏘️ Village in Coin Master corresponds to a new Level or Stage in the Game. 

You always have to expand the current Village to the maximum before you can unlock the next Village.

Each new Village also requires more and more Coins for maximum expansion.

You can complete the first Villages relatively quickly, but the costs continue to increase, so that later you will need several billion Coins to expand a Village to the maximum.

How many Villages are there currently?

👉 570 🏘️ Villages in Coin Master.

Coin Master Free Spins


Free SpinsDo you like playing Coin Master but don't get very far with your Spins + Coins?

Then you've come to the right place, this page is for all Coin Master Fans.

In our App and our Homepage you will find new Spin and Coin Reward links every day, from which you can get Free Spins and Coins that will help you move forward.

Coin Master is a free Gaming App and is for entertainment purposes only. is not in any Partnership or Cooperation with Coin Master.

Coin Master New Era


New EraCoin Master has integrated a new era into the game since November 2024.

What will change for you now?

👉 Building your 🏡 Village becomes cheaper and the Factor x 30 in the last row is no longer true (but can still be used as a guide).

👉 🏘️ Villages 255 to 550.

👉 The Spin bar has been increased depending on the Village Level.

👉 New Chests with higher chances of getting new Cards and his Sets close.

👉 Improved attack and raid rewards.

Coin Master Milestone Master


VillageBuilding your 🏡 Village is easier and quicker than ever before!

Your 🏡 Village represents your level in the Game, so Hammer away 🛠 to level up and unlock amazing Rewards.

To complete your 🏡 Village and move on to the next one, you must upgrade all five buildings in your current Village.

Once this is done and you reach the next Milestone, you will receive more 🎁 Gifts like Card Boom, Village Master, Coins, Outfits and much more.

15 New Coin Master Sets November 2024


Neue SetsAlbums group your 🃏 Card Sets together and provide another fun way to earn Rewards.

Even more so new Cards you get from these Sets, the closer you are to completing the Album and receiving your great prizes. 🤗

Coin Master unlocked 15 new Sets for all Players on November 12th, 2024.

These new Sets contain over 20,000 Spin Spins each and are available between 🏘️ Villages 255 and 550.

Become a partner


Backlink With your help, we would like to become a small Wikipedia with tips and tricks for Coin Master.

👉 Do you have your own Coin Master group on Facebook?

👉 Do you find our app and homepage very helpful?

Then we would be happy to work with you.

Coin Master Team Fight Event


Team CastleCoin Master released a Castle and Team Battle Event for some User Accounts.

But what exactly is that?

This is the normal Team Castle with the exception that you now have opposing Teams and their 5 items:

  1. 🎈 Balloon
  2. 🏚️ House
  3. 🤺 Warrior
  4. 💣 Cannon
  5. 🚢 Ship

can destroy.

The classification in which Team fight list you play depends on how many ⭐ Stars ⭐ you have.

Once you have completed a row, you destroy the opposing Team's item. Speed ​​is required here, because whoever completes the row first destroys the Opponent's object.

But don't worry, even if your Opponent destroyed your item first, you can still destroy their item.

Whoever has scored the most points at the end of the Event wins the additional bonus. Otherwise, there are the same Challenges as with the normal Team Castle and you will receive the completed item you have won in your list.

Underwater Wonder Rewards


UnderwaterAs you delve into the Wonderland of the Underwater World, you will come across Chests and Treasures waiting to be discovered. Your goal is to complete all Levels and win the Grand Prize! 🏆

⚠️Look out for the 🦈 Shark because if you land on it, your Adventure will be over and you'll need another voucher to dive back in!

You can keep any Treasure you find ( even if you encounter the Shark ), but you can only move on to the next phase with a Golden Seahorse.

total numbers of entries : 37
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